with particular emphasis on terms pertaining to the study of carnivorous plants

(rev 1.5 Part L)
Peter Cole - September 1996
Copy freely unaltered for non-commercial purposes.

Glossary Index.

labiate (adj)
of a monopetalous corolla or calyx where divided into unequal divisions

lacerated (adj)
appearing irregularly slashed

lachrymiform (adj)
tear-shaped; like pyriform, but with no contraction towards the point

laciniae (n)
an irregular narrow strip

laciniate (adj)
fringed with irregular strips or segments; very deeply incised

lacuna (n)
a cavity or depression

lamellar (adj)
terminated by two small plates

lamellate (adj)
terminated by two small plates

lamina (n)
a thin plate or scale; the surface of a leaf excluding the petiole

laminar flow (n)
a non-turbulent and constant stream of air

lanceolate (adj)
tapering in shape, like a spear-head; eliptical with a length:breadth ratio of between 3:1 and 6:1

leaf (n)
usually flattened, usually green plant structure being most often the primary organ of photosynthesis

lenticulate (adj)
lens-shaped; resembling a double convex lens

lentiform (adj)
lens-shaped; resembling a double convex lens

lignify (v)
become woody

ligulate (adj)
having strap-like florets

linear (adj)
narrow with untapering margins and a length:breadth ratio between 6:1 and 3:1

linguiform (adj)

lingulate (adj)
strap-shaped; longer than linear but shorter than fasciarate, with a length:breadth ratio of between 6:1 and 12:1

lobed (adj)
divided into (usually rounded,) segments

loculicidal (adj)
pertaining to small separate cavities

lorate (adj)
lingulate; longer than linear but shorter than fasciarate, with a length:breadth ratio of between 6:1 and 12:1

lower pitcher (n)
the form of Nepenthes pitcher found on the lower portion of the plant. See also upper pitcher

lunate (adj)
crescent moon-shaped

lunulate (adj)
crescent moon-shaped

lyrate (adj)
lyre-shaped; like pandurate, but pinched several times to produce several sets of smaller lobes, eg: an oak leaf

(c) Peter Cole 1995

I originally wrote much of this file to help me understand many of the terms employed in Danser's Nepenthes monographs and Obermeyer's work on South African Drosera (both on the CP web site.) I have probably missed a few due to the sheer size of the works. If there any words you feel should be included or redefined (not necessarily from Danser or Obermeyer,) feel free to Email me at:
